• Four Pillars of Mental Fitness and What they Mean for You

    With 2022 behind us, we’re all looking for ways to get physically and emotionally stronger in 2023. Mental health has been a huge topic for discussion during the pandemic and continues to be a high priority for most.

    However, the tide of mental health —  how we look at it and how we grow from it —  is constantly shifting.

    An emerging trend called “Mental Fitness” is an interesting new concept that involves 4 main pillars.

    The primary objective lies in strengthening our minds on a routine basis, much like we strengthen our bodies through daily fitness.

    Virtual Mental Fitness platforms are becoming widespread, where certified mentors and therapists coach you through the process of becoming mentally fit through these 4 pillars.

    4 Pillars- What Are They?

    Emotional– This includes our self-esteem, self-acceptance, and the ability to channel strong emotions into positive energy.

    Social– Social success requires healthy relationships with people who enrich your life and inspire you to grow. Learning how to navigate these relationships is a skill that takes time to master.

    Financial– Financial concerns are a common factor in mental health and stability. Learning to develop control over your finances and planning out your life goals will help you have a better quality of life.

    Physical– Mental and physical health go hand in hand with one another. By challenging your body and overcoming continuous obstacles and roadblocks, you will help yourself grow both mentally and physically.

    Therapy Goes Virtual

    One of the major breakthroughs in psychological therapy in 2020 was teletherapy. A subsector of telehealth, this remote form of therapy has become more common throughout the U.S.

    This allows anyone with the means to technology the ability to connect with therapists and maintain face-to-face interaction with ease using a communication platform.

    This has been crucial during the pandemic when in-person office visits just haven’t been an option. Looking ahead, teletherapy will continue to be a large part of mental fitness along with many lifestyle aspects becoming remote.

    Breaking the Stigma

    For a long time, there has been a stigma attached to mental health. Seeking assistance for mental health was less common, and communicating your emotions was perceived as a sign of weakness.

    In an effort to break the stigma, mental fitness allows for the normalization of strong habits like therapy, meditation, and expression.

    Look for mental fitness to be commonly integrated into a healthy routine — much like yoga, meditation, self-care, and exercise.

    Start the year off strong by learning more about the aspects of this new phenomenon and how to be a master of your own emotional health.